Thursday, April 18, 2019


                           What Is Yoga

Yoga means 'to unite' or 'to combine'. Thus, Yoga is a way to unite our soul with the Universal spirit. It helps to control the functions of mind. Nowadays, our life style has caused many physical and mental problems. The whole world is realizing the need to get rid of them. People around the world have tried many things and yoga has helped everyone. As a result, the United Nations Organisations declared 21st June as the International Day of Yoga.


Yoga helps the students in many ways:
  • It enables the students to enhance their stamina and flexibility.
  • It helps develop the students' concentration, memory, and temperament in a positive manner.
  • It helps to regulate anger and fear, specially, phobia of examinations.
  • Start yogasanas with a calm mood.
  • Practice some body movements before performing any yoga exercises.
Some of these movements are as follows:

*Ankle bending                   *Knee bending              *Elbow bending
Mudr rotation                   *Wrist rotation          *Shoulder rotation
*Neck rotation                    *Finger movement        *Eye movement
  • Choose a well-ventilated and clean place for yoga exercise.
  • Perform yoga exercises on a mat or a soft surface.
  • Wear comfortable and loose dress while performing yoga exercises.
  • Stop performing yoga exercises, if you get exhausted or feel tired.
Perform yoga exercises under the guidance of a trained yoga                                    teacher or a yoga expert                                     

                Facts About Yoga

  • The literal meaning of yoga is 'Union' or 'Connection'.
  • Yoga is thousand year-old practice which originated in India.
  • Yoga is a science of becoming more aware of what we are.
  • Toga unites the individual spirit within the universal spirit.
  • In the holy book, 'Bhagwad Gita' the word 'yoga' appears 78 times.
  • Yoga is mainly of four kinds:
           *Karma Yoga                                        *Gyan Yoga
           *Bhakti Yoga                                         *Hatha Yoga 

                 SURYA NAMASKAR

We all know that sun is the greatest source of energy. It circulates vital energy in us and grants the wisdom of healthy and longer life. So, during the morning assembly or prayer, we can perform Surya Namaskar to get more and more energy from it.

           Surya Namaskar is not any kind of prayer. It is a combination of exercises to get and absorb maximum energy from the sun, the greatest source of energy.

Surya Namaskar involves 12 postures in all. Let us know and practice them.

First Posture

  1. Stand erect with legs close to each other and hands by the side of the body. Place both the hands in Namaskar Mudra; tips of 
    the thumbs close to chest, elbow straight with palms together.
  2. close your eyes gently.
  3. Feel the graceness of the Sun.

Second Posture
  1. Inhaling, stretch both the hands upwards above the head, keeping the arms equidistant to the shoulders.
  2. bend the arms, backward.
  3. Maintain balance and hold for sometime.

Third Posture

  1. Exhaling, bend upper part, keep the legs straight and hands close to the ears.
  2. Place both the palms on the ground, close to the feet try to touch the forehead to the knees.
  3. Maintaining the balance, hold this posture for sometime.

Fourth Posture

  1. Inhaling, place both the palms firmly on the floor and take the right leg backward in a straight position.
  2. Bend the left leg at the knee and place it between both the arms.
  3. Stretch your neck backward and chest forward for sometime.
  4. Maintaining the balance, hold this posture for sometime.

Fifth Posture

  1. Exhaling, move left leg back next to the right foot.
  2. Lower your head and raise the middle part of the body upward.
  3. Keep arms and legs straight and heels on the floor.

Sixth Posture

  1. Inhaling, bring the body forward and lower the knees, chest and chin to the floor.
  2. Bend both the arms at the elbows. Your toes, knees, chest, and chin should touch the mat. keep your hips slightly raised up from the mat.

Seventh Posture

  1. Lower the hips, knees on the ground.
  2. Raise the head and chest upto the navel region.
  3. Inhale and retain fresh air for a while.

Eight Posture

  1. Exhaling, straighten the hands and raise the middle part and buttocks up, lower the head and keep it between the arms.
  2. Remain in this posture for sometime.

Ninth Posture

  1. Inhaling, bend the right knee and place it in between both the arms.
  2. Place the left leg backward and straighten it above the ground.
  3. Keeping the head erect look straight in front.

Tenth Posture

  1. Exhaling, bring the stretched left leg forward next to the right leg. Straighten the knees and bend it forward.
  2. Try to touch the head to the knees and place the palms flat on the floor beside the feet.
  3. Maintaining the balance, hold this posture for sometime.

Eleventh Posture

  1. Inhaling, raise your head, both arms and chest up and bend backward.
  2. Stretch your arms and stay in this posture for sometime.

Twelfth Posture

  1. Exhaling, come to the straight position. Bring both the hans in front of the chest and join the palms together in Namaskar Mudra.
  2. Keep your breath normal and stay in this posture for