Monday, December 17, 2018

Health is Wealth

First we squander health in search of wealth and then we sqaunder wealth in search of health. Well this is very true in terms of the topic on which i am going to tell you all about. Health is the most important thing of our life as if we are bot healthy then we cant perform any task. According to this thought first we squander health in search of wealth means we do such hardworks to to have good earning and to lift our standard up because now in 21st century a new kind of tradition has took place which is to be rich and get attached or be poor and get separated. Therefore now a days people are so busy in search of wealth that they completely forget about their health until and unless they get wealth they just cant think of any other thing. And when they get what they want they realize that they are no more healthy and the again to make themselves healthy the spend that wealth in search of wealth. But they don't understand that happiness is when we enjoy the smallest moments of our life also and till the time we are not healthy we cant think to be happy. And people think that the biggest happiness lies in money but that's not the truth. Real happiness is when you enjoy what you do not what you get. But today we are crazy about money money and money... 

Till the timing we don't understand the real value of health we cant respect it. And that's what is happening all around the world until and unless you aren't aware of the value of anything you can't know its important. And the same is happening with health and wealth we know the value of wealth so we are running after it and we are not aware of the value of health so we don't give importance to it. If you are healthy you can overcome any of the biggest circumstances in your life and reason for the death of many of the people which are having earning hands is heart attack or suicide and why this happens?
Just because we are not able to overcome the the circumstances and the pressure and the tension and why this happens is just because we are not healthy neither physically nor mentally. And then our stress level starts increasing and we just get tensed. So now lets discuss some of the tips to live a healthier life-

1. Early to bed and early to rise 
       Try to go for a sleep till 10'O clock in the night and wake up at 5'O clock.

2. Exercise
Exercises help us maintain our physically health so after the start of the day we can devote our half an hour exercise to be healthy.We can also go for yoga.

3. Meditation
    Meditation is a better way to get a fresh start for your day it will help you in being active and increases concentration powers of a being.

                               THANKS !